The sound is split into small chunks called granules. These may then be processed in various ways to acheive various effects - for example, to stretch a sound (timestreching) the granules will be played back so as to overlap each other. An interesting effect can also be obtained by playing the granules backwards....
Electrocomp 200
The Electrocomp 200 is a 2-VCO monophonic synthesizer expander module. It did not
come with a keyboard but as an expansion module for the 100 or the 101, which
included a keyboard. The Electrocomp 200 features two VCOs, which have outputs for
sine, triangle, and pulse waveforms, and a noise source. There is a spring reverb, a
low-pass VCF, a high-pass VCF, an ADS envelope generator, a ring modulator, a mic
preamp, and a dual 3-channel stereo mixer.
The eml-200 came in 2 colors, blue and silver. The later ones were silver and the
original ones were blue. The blue 200s were also built into larger cases and were a bit
heavier than the more recent silver ones.