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Monday, March 10th, 2025 11:57 pm

Synth Glossary

An envelope generator generates a signal that changes through the length of a sound, normally to control the loudness of that sound. An example of its use is to control the volume of a piano sound. It creates a signal that goes from low to high very quickly (the loud bit when the key is pressed), then goes down slowly as the sounds gets quieter. They are also used to drive other parts of the synthesizer, for example the filter....


Korg MS-10
This was the most basic, and consequently the most inexpensive, of Korg's MS series. It featured a 32-note (F-C) keyboard and semi-modular design, in that you could reroute the signal of some modules via patch cords, but you didn't have to use patch cords to make a basic synthesizer sound. A monophonic synth, the MS-10 had one VCO, one VCF, an LFO with multiple waveforms, an ADSR with hold controls, and knobs to control pitch, portamento time, external signal level, resonance, and pulse width. It also had one wheel, for pitch bend.

Hosted by Jesse Mullan