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Tuesday, February 11th, 2025 08:34 pm

Synth Glossary

Most filters can emphasize the frequencies just before those that are reduced in volume. Resonance is the degree of emphasis that occurs. It makes the filter much more audible and gives it character - it would otherwise sound like just altering the equalisation - and is the foundation of the acid sound....


Sonic Six
The Moog Sonic Six is a 2-VCO duophonic synthesizer with a built-in speaker and a 4- octave, 49-note (C-C) keyboard. Each VCO can output sawtooth, triangle, and rectangle (pulse/square) waveforms as well as 2 "waveform generators." A "quality" knob adjusts the width of the rectangular waveform. White or pink noise is also available. The Sonic Six can be set for 3 keyboard modes; high note priority, low note priority, or duophonic. The Sonic Six can also be set to an alternate tuning across the keyboard (different interval between octaves of the keyboard). Portamento rate is controlled by a knob. The envelope section features a basic envelope, with variable control for attack and decay and a switchable release (follows decay) and sustain. It had a single VCF, low-pass voltage controlled filter. Two multimode LFOs are available. Their speed is independently variable and can be controlled by the envelope.

Hosted by Jesse Mullan