A means of generating a control signal based on how much pressure is applied to the keys of a MIDI keyboard. Most instruments that support this do not have independent pressure sensing for all keys, but rather detect the overall pressure by means of a sensing strip running beneath the keys. Aftertouch may be used to control such functions as vibrato depth, filter brightness, loudness and so on....
Roland Juno-106 is an analog synth with DCOs (digitally controlled oscillators), and a 61-note, 5-octave (C-C)
keyboard (no aftertouch or velocity). In 1984, when it was introduced, it had the most complete MIDI
implementation of any synthesizer on the market. All of its front panel faders also send MIDI sys-ex data which can
be sequenced. Its sound is nice and full even though it has DCOs (which are generally not as warm as VCOs). The
Juno-106 features 6-voice polyphony, each voice having its own VCF. For each patch, the DCO waveform can be
set to Pulse (with a variable pulse width), Triangle, and Sawtooth, with sliders controlling the level of the noise
generator and the sub-harmonic oscillator. There is a High Pass Filter with 4 control positions, as well as a VCF
(low pass) with resonance and controls for envelope, keyboard, and LFO modulation. The Juno-106 has 1 ADSR
envelope where each stage is controlled by a separate slider, and a triangle wave LFO that has controls for rate and
delay. It also features a stereo chorus which can be set to "Rich," "Harmonic," or Off.
One of the best things the Juno-106 has going for it is its front panel. Being one of the last synthesizers to have
sliders or knobs on its front panel, it is one of the simplest and intuitive synths to program. This makes it a great
choice for first time synth programmers.