The cs15 is a beaut of a little (3 octave keyboard) monosynth and is set up in 2 parallel audio paths. The are 1 lfo (sine, ramp down, non-triggerable s/h), 2 VCOs, 2 VCFs, 2 egs (adsrs) and 2 VCAs. The first audio path starts with VCO1 (triangle, ramp down, and square, 64'-2', lfo mod, pw% 50-90, and pwm) and goes through a mixer module which is mixed with a noise source, either internal (white) or external. It is then ran through the VCF which can either be a LP, BP, or HP. It is a resonant filter, but does not go into sharp self oscillation. The filter can be modulated by the LFO or a EG (eg1+, EG1-, EG2+) and these modulation amounts are controllable. From the filter it goes in the AMP which