Most filters can emphasize the frequencies just before those that are reduced in volume. Resonance is the degree of emphasis that occurs. It makes the filter much more audible and gives it character - it would otherwise sound like just altering the equalisation - and is the foundation of the acid sound....
"The Prophet 5 contains five individual voices. For its principal sound sources each voice contains two VCO's
(voltage controlled oscillators), OSC A and OSC B, and a white noise source which can be mixed into a resonant
low-pass VCF (voltage controlled filter). The filter modifies the voice timbre under control of its four-stage
envelope generator. The filter may also be resonated and serve as a sound source. Following each filter, a VCA
(voltage controlled amplifier), also controlled by a four-stage envelope generator, shapes the voice amplitude.
Supplementing the basic voices are polyphonic modulation (POLY-MOD) signal routings within each voice that
allow OSC B and the filter envelope generator to function as modulation sources applied to OSC A frequency or
pulse width, or the filter frequency. Finally, there is a single LFO (low-frequency oscillator) and a pink noise source
which can be mixed to modulate all five voices, as adjusted by the MOD wheel.
"The Prophet-5 sustained six revisions (or revs). Rev 1 was the original design. Rev 2 was a refinement of the
original design and largely transparent. Rev 3, however, was a vastly different synthesizer than Revs 1 and 2.
Introduced to Rev 3 were new voltage controlled IC's (CEM), an improved ADC, DAC, and a different control
voltage distribution scheme. More sophisticated editing and tuning routines were designed, and to improve
servicibility, voice trimmers were reduced from 80 to 45. Some believe that the Rev 3 synthesizers are slightly
inferior (sonically) to their predecessors by revealing an absence in the lower frequencies. While this may be true,
the majority of the Rev 3 synthesizers are far more operationally stable than their Rev 1 and Rev 2 counterparts.